Tuesday, February 17, 2009

President's Day 2009

Hi, everyone.  Here are some promised pictures.   Notice my movie star hair!  Becky and Carley Newman came to visit us and we had soooooo much fun.  Becky and I didn't ski, I'm still not physically up to it.  But we dressed up like we were skiers and had lunch at Hazie's.  I am really doing so well.  My mom and dad are here and we are having fun, playing dominos and laughing.  I can truly see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I still need prayers, thank you Mary for the post!  Love to you all and thank you, God for protecting me in so many ways!

Prayers requested!

Hi everyone! This is Julie's friend, Mary Hauk, writing to you on Julie's behalf. Firstly, she would like to apologize for not updating the blog lately and regrets if it has caused anyone worry. She continues to feel better both emotionally and physically every day. It is so good to hear her laugh again. Tomorrow (2/18) is a very big day for her. She will have blood tests done that will determine whether or not she will be able to get her last treatment on Thursday. Please remember her in your prayers as she faces this last round of tests and treatment. If her tests are good she will get her last round of chemo and finally be on the road to a full recovery. She appreciates and loves every single one of you who have offered your love. prayers, and support. Pray for peace and comfort for her whatever the outcome may be.

"Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened."
Matthew 7:7


Ps She promises to post pictures soon!!!!